26 novembre 2015 Test

CSR Europe’s Enterprise 2020 Summit is currently taking place!

November 16-17 at BOZAR, Brussels.
It will be a high-level event featuring:
– A two day programme
– More than 500 participants
– High-level speakers – EU leaders, CEOs and social entrepreneurs
– Networking and engagement opportunities
– 15 interactive parallel conference sessions and side events
As the only Swiss national partner of CSR Europe, Philias will lead the working session on Apprenticeships Across Europe on November 17.
200 participants have already registered for this working session, that will address three key issues:
– Why is Switzerland a role model ? And what are the barriers in other countries?
– How can a global company deal with the different national educational systems?
– And how can the different concerned entities work better with the schools and the training sector?
Philias, in partnership with the French Organization FACE, will lead the working session. Speakers from Nestlé, Microsoft, the European Commission, and the Fondation pour la formation professionnelle et continue of Geneva, will share their vision and expertise.
You can download here the full programme of Philias’ working session
or share your ideas and vision on twitter using the hashtag: #E2020Summit
or follow the event by following CSR Europe  or Philias twitter account
Join us in shaping the future of business in Europe!
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